The files and programs listed on this web site are Copyright © Ortiz, Flanagan, & Alfonso and may not be published or distributed elsewhere without expressed permission from the authors and copyright holders. However, permission is freely granted for reproduction and use for personal, non-commercial, not-for-profit, educational purposes.  

To get the file/program you want, just review the list below and click on the link to start the download process.  Your browser will either download and open the file automatically with the correct program, if your browser is set up that way, or it will simply ask you if you want the file saved to disk.  Just save the file to disk if you do not know what else to do.  After the download is complete, just go and find your downloads folder, look for the file in it, and double click on it to open it with an appropriate program. 

Some of these files/programs are updated periodically and you may compare versions based on the release dates noted next to files/programs that have been revised.  

Dr. Ortiz


Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – Basic Version v6.1 (Excel) (updated 6.13.24)



C-LIM Myths & Misconceptions: What the research really shows (PDF from MIG 4/21/2023)

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – School Psyched Podcast on YouTube from 9/2/2018

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – Myths and Misconceptions: A review of research (PDF)

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – Instruction and Interpretation Tutorial – Free Version (PDF)

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – Instruction and Interpretation Tutorial for X-BASS Version (PDF)

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – General (Word)

Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix – Sample Validity Statements (Word) (updated 2.1.23)

Sample Report Using C-LIM – Case of Carlos – Identified as SLD – 14.2 (Word)

Sample Report Using C-LIM – Case of Maria – SLD not Identified – 17.2 (Word)



Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix - Achievement Test Extensions – Basic Version v2.1 (Excel) (updated 6.13.24)


Diverse Student Normal Ability Performance (D-SNAP)

Diverse Student Normal Ability Performance v.02.22.24 (Excel) (released 4.9.24)


True Peer Estimator (TPE v3.0) – formerly called D-STPGE

True Peer Estimator – TPE v3.0 (Excel) (updated 6.13.24)


Sample XBA Reports

Sample – AIR – Triennial Re-evaluation ELL with SLD – 14.7

Sample – AIR – Initial Evaluation – ELL with SLD – Option C – 13.2

Sample – ELL Initial Evaluation by Justin Potts – 12.9

Sample – Case Report by Ortiz – 15.9

Sample – Case Report – Carsam – 15.9

Sample XBA Report – Campbell – 14.2

Sample XBA Report – Hannah – 14.2

Sample XBA Report – Steve – 12.5

Sample XBA Report – Victor – 15.4