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Letter of Resignation
from the Jewish People
By Bertell
Bertell Ollman is Professor of Political
Science at NYU. He earned his Ph.D. In 1967.
we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national
borders and sensitivities become
irrelevant. Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race,
religion or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the
center of the universe”. ---Elie Wiesel, acceptance speech, Nobel Prize for
Peace, December 10, 1986.
Did you ever wonder what
your last thought would be just before you died or believed you might die?
Well, I did, and a few years ago in the waning moments before going under the
knife for a life threatening operation I got my answer. As the nurses wheeled
me into the operating room, what burst upon my consciousness was not, as might
be expected, the fear of dying but a terrible angst at the idea of dying a Jew.
I was appalled to finish my life with my umbilical cord still tied to a people
with whom I can no longer identify. That this should be my "last"
thought greatly surprised me at the time, and it still does.
What did it mean… and why
is it so hard to resign from a people? I was born in
It was in college---the
In the following years, as
the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians deteriorated from bad to worse
and then to much worse, two surprising developments---surprising at least to
me---began to unfold. I found myself, despite my best efforts to be fair to
both sides, becoming increasingly anti-Israel, while most American Jews,
including some Jewish friends who never considered themselves Zionists, became
enthusiastic supporters of the Israeli cause. Already in the 1980s, with the
first intifada,
From what I’ve said so
far, it would be easy for some to dismiss me as a self-hating Jew, but that
would be a mistake. If anything, I am a self-loving Jew, but the Jew I love in
me is the Diaspora Jew, the Jew that was blessed for 2,000 years by having no
country to call his/her own. That this was accompanied by many cruel
disadvantages is well known, but it had one crowning advantage that towered
over all the rest. By being an outsider in every country and belonging to the family of outsiders
throughout the world, Jews on the whole suffered less from the small-minded
prejudices that disfigure all forms of nationalism. If you couldn't be a full
and equal citizen of the country in which you lived, you could be a citizen of
the world, or at least begin to think of yourself as such even before the
concepts existed that would help to clarify what this meant. I'm not saying
that this is how most Diaspora Jews actually thought, but some did – Spinoza,
Marx, Freud, and Einstein being among the best known - and the opportunity as
well as the inclination for others to do so came from the very rejection they
all experienced in the countries in
which they lived. Even the widespread treatment of Jews as somehow less than
human provoked a universalist response. As children of the same God, Jews
argued, when this was permitted or just quietly reflected when it wasn’t, that
they shared a common humanity with their oppressors and that this should take
precedence over everything else. The anti-Semitic charge, then, that Jews have
always and everywhere been cosmopolitan and insufficiently patriotic had at least
this much truth to it.
Not many Jews today, of
course, take this position. In a 1990 interview,
The two questions that remain
to be asked, however, are l) whether the
natural drive to belong to something, that served Berlin as his main premise,
could be satisfied by something other than a national state, and 2) whether in
becoming like Albania (even Greater Albania) Jews have been forced to give up
something that was even more valuable in the Judaism of the diaspora. If it is
true---and I am ready to admit it is---that our mental and emotional health
requires a strong bond with other people, there is no reason to believe that
only national groups which occupy their own land can satisfy this need. There
are racial, religious,
gender, cultural, political, and class groups without special
ties to one country that might do as well. Blacks, Catholics, gays, Free
Masons, and class conscious workers are but a few populations that have found
ways to satisfy this need to belong
without confining themselves to national borders. Membership in our common
species offers still another path to this same goal. Given the range of possibilities, which group(s) we "join" or take as our
primary identity will depend largely on what is available in the time and place
in which we live, how such groups
resolve (or promise to resolve) our most pressing problems, and on how we are socialized into viewing
these different groups.
As for what was lost in
acquiring a homeland, it is important to recognize that Zionism is a form of nationalism like any
other, and nationalism – as even sympathetic observers like Albert Einstein
were forced to recognize – always has its price. While every Jew knows that Einstein
was offered the presidency of the newly independent Jewish state, few
understand why he turned it down. In contrast to
Like all nationalisms,
Zionism is also based on an exaggerated sense of superiority as applied to
members of the in-group and a feeling of
indifference, bordering on contempt, for members of other groups. Jews
entered world history with an extreme act of
“chutzpah” (for which a new word had to be invented) in which they posed
one just God who created everyone, and then, for reasons best known to him,
“chose” the Jews to be his special people (why Christians and Moslems so
happily accept their inferior status in this arrangement I’ll never
understand). But what the Zionists have done is carry this original act of
“chutzpah” over to God’s commandments. Where Jews once believed they were
“chosen” to receive God’s laws for all humanity, Zionists seem to believe that
they were “chosen” to break them whenever they interfere with the national
interest. What room does this leave for a belief in the inherent equality of
all human beings?
Admittedly, the ancient
Hebrews not only received the Laws from God
but also, supposedly, the promise of a particular piece of land. The
latter, however, was always linked to the Jews obedience to these laws, of
which the most important – given the number of times God refers to it - is the
prohibition against idolatry. While the Jews have not built any idols of Jaweh, their record on idolatry –
perhaps in part the result of the restraint shown in representing God – has
probably been worse than that of their neighbors. For well over 3,000 years,
Judaism has fought a largely losing fight against idolatry with the temple in
Jerusalem, the scrolls of the Torah and the land of Israel coming to embody and
gradually to replace the relations with God and the corresponding ethical
precepts that they were supposed to represent. But only in Zionism, the current
version of this land idolatry, have these precepts been sacrificed altogether.
This modern version of the Golden Calf has saved Moses the trouble of smashing
the Ten Commandments by doing it for him. That many of today’s Zionists don’t
believe in the God of their fathers simply makes it easier for them to turn Eretz Israel into a new God. The
idolatry stands. Only now God’s laws can be written by a committee without
sullying their nationalist content with any universalist pretensions. If such
extreme nationalism is normal – which makes Spinoza, Marx, Freud and Einstein
thoroughly abnormal – then, I guess,
The organic tie that
Zionism - as is typical with nationalist movements - takes for granted between
its people and their territory is also bathed in the kind of mysticism that
renders any rational discussion of their situation impossible. This is as true
for religious Zionists who actually believe that God made a real estate deal
with their ancestors as it is for secular Zionists who conveniently forget the
2,000 years of the Jewish diaspora in staking their “legal” claim to the land
(only to recall the Jews’ suffering in the diaspora when the discussion shifts
to their moral claim to it). What room does this leave for dealing in a humane
and rational way with the problems of life in the 21st century? With
both morality and reason tailored to serve tribal needs first…and last, the
chamber of horrors that Zionism has constructed for the Palestinian people was
only a matter of time in coming. Could this be what the ancient Hebrew prophets
had in mind when they predicted that the Jewish people would become "a
light onto the nations"? Certainly
not, nor was it something that Jews themselves could possibly have imagined
during the period of the diaspora, when probably no people attached a greater
value to human equality and human reason than the Jews. Einstein could even
claim that the most important characteristic of Judaism was its commitment to
“the democratic ideal of social justice, coupled with the ideal of mutual aid
and tolerance among all men” without anyone laughing at him.3 Now, even God would have to laugh… or cry.
If the diaspora for all
its material inadequacies left the Jews, morally speaking, on a kind of
pedestal, why did they come down from it? They came down when the pedestal
broke. The conditions that underlay Jewish life in the diaspora began to come
apart with the progress of capitalism, democracy and the enlightenment long
before the Holocaust, which only delivered the final blow. As odd as this may sound for something that
lasted almost 2,000 years, Diaspora Judaism was and could only be a period of
transition. Emerging out of Biblical
Judaism, Diaspora Judaism was constructed from the start on a contradiction
between nostalgia for the country that was lost and a forward looking, if often
hesitant and partial, commitment to the people and places where Jews came to
live. The one looked backward to the tribe and the land they once called their
own, and the other looked out upon the whole species and the entire world into
which the Jews, more than any other people, had spread. Except, for the longest
time, the ties that bound different peoples and places to each other -
culturally, religiously, commercially (much of that by Jews) - was loose at
best, so that the possibility of taking their new situation to its logical
conclusion and declaring themselves citizens of the world is something that
most Jews could not even conceive. Still, their attitude toward the rest of
humanity, if not yet their actions, made Jews increasingly suspect to the more
rooted peoples among whom they lived, who never ceased to condemn Jews for
their "cosmopolitanism" (a swear word it seems to virtually everybody
but Jews). Then, with the multiple
reconfigurations of the globe associated with capitalism, the enlightenment,
democracy, and finally socialism, more Jews could recognize that they were
indeed citizens of the world and became free to declare so publicly.
But the same social and
economic turmoil, with its new opportunities for advancement and - also -
frightening rise in anti-Semitism, that led many Jews to exchange their prime
identity in the tribe for one in the human species led other Jews to reject
their evolving cosmopolitanism in favor of a renewed nationalist project. It is
no coincidence that so many Jews became either socialists or Zionists at the
end of the l9th and in the early part of the 20th century. Where no change in
the condition of the Jewish people had seemed possible earlier, now two
alternatives emerged and vied with each other for popular support. The one sought
to do away with the oppression of Jews by doing away with all oppressions, and
the other sought the same end by removing the Jews to a supposedly safe haven
If neither socialists who
reject the nationalist and religious aspects of Diaspora Judaism nor Zionists
who reject its universal and humanist dimensions (and often its religious
aspects as well) are Jews, then the real debate is over which tradition has
retained the best of their common Jewish heritage. Despite their constant
chatter about Jews, I would maintain that it is Zionism that has least in
common with Judaism. It is not by breaking the limbs of Palestinian youth that
the Jewish sages of the past predicted our people would "become a light
onto the nations". In
When I was growing up, my
Yiddish speaking mother would often try to correct some aberrant behavior on my
part by warning that it was a "shandeh
fur die goyim" (that I
would be shaming not only me and my family but all Jews in front of the
gentiles). What I want to cry out loudest in front of all the crimes of Zionism,
and all those who try to defend them, is that what they are doing is a "shandeh fur die goyim". They themselves, the big cheeses and the small
fry, are all a "shandeh fur die
goyim". (Ma, I remember). Socialist and ex-Jew that I am, I guess I
still have too much respect and love for the Jewish tradition I left behind to
want the world to view it in the same way as they rightly view and condemn what
the ex-Jews who call themselves Zionists are doing in its name. And if changing
my status from ex-Jew (current) to non-Jew (projected) stirs even ten good
people (God’s “minyan”) into action
against the Zionist hijacking of the Jewish label, then this is a sacrifice I
am ready to make.
To those who wonder why
the resignation of an atheistic communist from the Jewish people might bother
some Jews, I would just point out that the greatest sin a Jew can commit – I
was taught this from all sides – is to take leave of his people (usually by
converting to another faith). A family will often respond by “sitting shivah” over the offending member
(treating him or her as dead). The deep shame and anger that many Jews feel
when this happens is hard to explain, but it probably has something to do with
the intense quality of the social bond that unites all Jews, the result
originally, no doubt, of being God’s chosen but also of sharing and surviving
so many centuries of oppression. While a Christian relates to God as an
individual, the Jew’s relation to God has always passed through his connection
to the chosen people, a people that God also holds collectively responsible for
the failures of each of its members. Operating with such an incentive, Jews
could never allow themselves the luxury of indifference when it came to the
life choices of their co-religionists. With a little Jewish education, this
inner connection becomes so ingrained that even some atheist and communist Jews
may experience the defection of a Jew from the people as losing a limb from
their own body. Certainly, my continuing identification as a Jew, as some kind
of a Jew, while lacking any of the attributes of a believer, helps explain why
I felt an overpowering need to resign when “Jew” came to mean something I could
not accept (or ignore). And the same
organic tie may help explain why some Jews, including those of whom I am most
critical and who might be expected to rejoice at my resignation, may get so
upset by the form that my criticism has taken.
Here I am almost at the
end of my letter of resignation and I haven't discussed the Holocaust. For many
Zionists that would be enough to reject what I have to say. In my defense, I
would like to share a story that Joe Murphy, the former Vice Chancellor of the
City University of New York, used to tell about his Jewish mother.
"Joe", he has her saying, "there are two kinds of Jews. One kind
has reacted to the unspeakable horror of the Holocaust by vowing that they will
do anything to make sure it doesn't happen to our people again. While the other
kind of Jews took as their lesson from the same terrible event that they must
do whatever they can to make sure it doesn't happen again to any people
anywhere. Joe", she went on, "I want you to promise me that you will
always be the second kind of Jew". He did, and he was.
The first kind of Jew,
most of whom are Zionists and therefore in my language really
"ex-Jews", have gone so far as to unashamedly transform the Holocaust
itself into a club with which to bash any critic who has the temerity to
question what they are doing to the Palestinians, supposedly in self-defense.
(See Norman Finkelstein’s THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY) Any criticism of Zionism, no
matter how mild and justified, is equated with anti-Semitism, where
anti-Semitism has become a short-hand for people who bear some responsibility
for the Holocaust and are really hoping for another one. This is a heavy
charge, and it has proved very effective in silencing many potential critics.
It is no coincidence, therefore, that the striking revival of media interest in
the Holocaust comes at a time when Zionism is in greatest need of such a
protective cloak (shroud?). In the
process, the worst human rights violation in history is being cynically misused
to rationalize one of the worst human rights violations of our time. Joe
Murphy's mother would expect the second kind of Jews to be the first to point
this out and condemn it.
That leaves the question
of safety. Zionists insist that by creating their own state they have improved
the safety of Jews not only in
Any good explanation, of
course, would have to trace the relations between the Israeli government, the
Zionist lobby (in its various dimensions), Christian Fundamentalists (who
believe that the second coming of Jesus won’t take place until all Jews are
gathered in Israel), both American political parties, Jewish voters, and the
interests of the American capitalist class in political and economic expansion.
For as influential as
“special” relationship to
Anti-Semitism is often
understood as an irrational hatred of Jews not for anything they believe or do,
but just because of who they are. This is incorrect, because there are reasons.
They just happen to be bad ones, either because they are false (like Jews using
the blood of gentile children to make matzas for Passover), or exaggerated, or
of ancient vintage, or irrelevant, or – if they apply at all (like Jews being
rich, etc.) – they apply only to a few people. This is why hating all Jews is
not only irrational but unjust, and, as we know, the results have often been
murderous. With this history, every Jew but also every humane and fair-minded
non-Jew must oppose the rise of anti-Semitism with all their might. That this
history, as painful as it is, does not give Jews any right to commit their own
crimes should be evident, and it is monstrous whenever Jewish criminals respond
to their accusers with charges of “anti-Semitism”, even if - as in the case of
Zionists – they believe their crimes serve the interests of the Jewish people,
and even if they have managed – another miracle? – to get the third edition of Webster’s
International Dictionary to define “anti-Zionism” as a form of
“anti-Semitism”. 5 In claiming
an equation between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, of course, Zionists run the
danger of having people accept the logic of their position but not the use to
which they put it. According to this logic, one must be both anti-Zionist and
anti-Semitic, or neither. The assumption is that faced with this choice, most
of their honest critics will simply pack up their tents and go home. But given
Zionism’s worsening record in
At this point - if not
earlier - many readers of this journal will fault me for appearing to treat
Zionists as if they are all alike. I am aware, of course, of the many
differences in the Zionist camp, and am full of admiration for the courageous
efforts by more progressive and humane Zionists in Meretz, Peace Now and
Tikkun, among other groups, to oppose the Israeli establishment. They cannot be
exempted from my analysis, however - and it's not just because their reforms
seemed doomed to failure – since they share at least some of the basic
assumptions on which Zionism (in both its Likud and Labor Party versions) is
based. Setting up a state in which only Jews were to be full citizens, setting
it up in a land already inhabited by millions of non-Jews, seeking to respond
to anti-Semitism in the world by a display of Jewish might, seeking to make
Jews everywhere feel safer because they now had a country to run away to
(should the need arise), and seeking to rationalize all this through a
combination of religious myth and the experience of the Holocaust - all this
lies at the heart of Zionism, but it is also the logic inherent in these views that have brought us to the
present impasse. And I don't see how it could have been otherwise. The
occasions where it appears the history of
For example,
ideologically, there is no longer a need to accept that
Politically, this means
avoiding any association with this "rogue state" whatsoever (as we
did with South Africa earlier), boycotting it economically and otherwise
(keeping it out of the Olympics, for example), bringing pressure on our
politicians to stop all U.S. aid (private as well as public) to Israel,
supporting various sanctions (including trade sanctions) against it, calling
for the strongest possible resolutions at the U.N. and in all other available
forums denouncing Zionist human rights abuses, and, of course, confronting head-on the Zionist lobby that
would oppose all this. Similar steps should be taken in Europe and elsewhere,
but, given America’s power in the world in general and in Israel in particular,
it is in our country that the fate of the Palestinian people – and ultimately
that of Judaism and what ‘s left of the Jewish people - will be decided. While
Furthermore, if Zionism is
indeed a particularly virulent form of nationalism and, increasingly, of racism
and if Israel is acting toward its captive minority in ways that resemble more
and more how the Nazis treated their Jews, then we must also say so. For obvious
reasons, the Zionists are very sensitive about being compared to the Nazis (not
so sensitive that it has restrained them in their actions but enough to bellow
"unfair" and to charge "anti-Semitism" when it happens).
Yet, the facts on the ground, when not obscured by one or another Zionist
rationalization, show that the Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world
today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis. No,
the Zionists are not yet quite as bad as the Nazis, not yet, but isn't the
world witnessing a creeping ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians at this
very moment? If Zionists (and their
supporters) find this comparison unduly insulting and unjust, they have only to
stop what they are doing (and supporting), but I fear that the logic of their
position will only drive them to committing (and supporting) even greater
atrocities in the future, including genocide - another Nazi specialty, than
they have up to now. What, if anything, has such Zionism got to do with
traditional Jewish values?
As far as I’m concerned,
the comedian, Lenny Bruce, provided the only good answer to this question when
he said, "Dig, I'm Jewish. Count
Bassie’s Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish. Eddie Cantor is goyish… Marine Corps – heavy goyish…
If you live in
To this I would only add,
“Noam Chomsky, Mordechai Vanunu and Edward Said are Jewish. Elie Wiesel is goyish. So, too, all ‘Jewish’ neo-cons.
Socialism and communism are Jewish. Sharon and Zionism are very goyish”. And, who knows, if this reading
of Judaism were to take hold, I may one day apply for readmission to the Jewish
other writings by Bertell Ollman see, www.dialecticalmarxism.com
1. Rochelle Furstenberg, “Reflections of a
Zionist Don”, The
Albert Einstein, “Our Debt to Zionism”, Ideas and Opinions (Modern
Library, N.Y., 1964), p.6. Ben Gurion’s view of the offer of the presidency of
Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, p.212. How Einstein would have reacted to
the current situation in
Donald Wagner, “Evangelicals and
Quoted in Robert Fisk, “A Warning to Those Who Dare Criticize
6. Lenny
Bruce, “Jewish and Goyish”, Record Number 5 of Lenny Bruce: Let the Buyer
Beware (Shout Factory, Sept. 14, 2004), number 6.