Facing complexity, crisis, and risk: Opportunities and challenges in international human resource management

Farndale, E., Horak, S., Phillips, J., & Beamond, M. (2019). Facing complexity, crisis, and risk: Opportunities and challenges in international human resource management. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 465-470. DOI: 10.1002/tie.22037

International human resource management (IHRM) as a field of practice involves heightened levels of complexity compared to domestic HRM based on the multitude of contexts in which multinational firms operate. As complexity increases, so do levels of risk and the chance that the firm must deal with crisis situations. Based on papers presented at the 3rd Global Conference on IHRM, this special issue focuses on how IHRM can contribute to organization success when faced by extreme operating conditions. This editorial provides a backdrop to the papers by describing the challenging economic, political and social environments impacting organizations, exploring conditions from the recent past and current day such as the global financial crisis, trends toward political nationalism, aging populations and growing immigrant workforces. The focus lies on exploring how HRM can respond to such challenging external contexts to continue to contribute added value to the firm.

International human resource management; economic crisis; political crisis; social crisis; context; added value.

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